LEEA Awards Entry Guide

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Before applying, please this Entry Guide carefully, and ensure you have viewed the T&Cs.

How to enter

  1. Review the categories and criteria
  2. Begin your entry via the applications portal here. After entering your contact details click ‘Register’ to begin your entry.
  3. Tell us about your product/service according to the criteria. You have the opportunity to upload up to four (4) files of max 5MB each, in pdf, doc, docx, jpg or png format and one (1) video file of up to 60 seconds in length to support your entry.
  4. Ensure you complete all free-text boxes as incomplete entries won’t be considered
  5. Confirm your entry. Keep updated with the awards via our social channels @LEEAINT and #LEEAAWARDS2024
  6. You may enter more than one category. There is no limit to the number of entries one organisation can make.
  7. Once you have completed your application, an email will be sent to you acknowledging receipt. If you don’t receive an acknowledgement within 5 working days from your submission, please contact the LEEA team: events@leeaint.com

When is the entry deadline?

23.59PM on 9th August 2024.

When will the shortlist be announced?

10th September 2024. 

When and where will the winners be announced?

16 October during the evening Awards Ceremony at the Dorchester Hotel in London.

Does it cost to enter?

No, entries are completely free!

Rules of entry

  • By submitting an entry, you agree to purchase a ticket to attend the Awards Ceremony on the evening on 16th October in the event of the entry being shortlisted. 
  • All entries must be submitted through the online application portal.
  • All supporting material must be uploaded to the application portal. No additional material submitted by any other means will be considered.
  • Individuals cannot nominate themselves for any of the award categories.
  • Directors and owners of organisations cannot be nominated for the Emerging Talent award.
  • Entrants are allowed to submit ONE entry per category only. If multiple entries are submitted in the same category the judges reserve the right to disqualify all entries but one in their absolute discretion.
  • Entering the incorrect category may result in disqualification. Please ensure you choose the correct category. If you are unsure which category applies for your application, please check with the LEEA team: events@leeaint.com
  • Entries will not be accepted from individuals or teams whose company is sponsoring that category
  • Applications must be submitted in English.

The full Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about entering please contact the LEEA team: events@leeaint.com

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